Guardian Ad Litem

Guardian Ad Litem
A Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) is appointed by the Court to investigate and make recommendations to the Court regarding the best interest of the children. A GAL interviews relevant witnesses and reports to the Court things that the Judge is investigate for themselves. GAL’s do not represent either party, nor to they represent the child. GAL’s are not appointed to judge the moral turpitude of either party. If there is a concern regarding the children, the GAL should be notified of that concern and be given the opportunity to hear both side of the story and investigate the concern.
After appointment, our office will contact both parties and set up individual meetings with them in her office. The GAL will then schedule an appointment to meet the children. She will conduct home visits to both parents’ homes, if necessary, as well as the school and/or daycare. The GAL will contact collateral contacts provided by the parties who she feels are necessary to aid in her investigation.
It is important that both parties cooperate with the GAL’s investigation and participate as much as possible so that the GAL can make an educated, informed recommendation to the Court.