Changing Attorneys

Changing Legal Representation
Do you have an Illinois divorce or Illinois family law case pending? Are you not comfortable with your divorce or family lawyer? Concerned that your Illinois divorce or family law case is heading in the wrong direction? Is your attorney not returning your phone calls or not doing what they promised they would do?
At DeVriendt & Associates we take your right to talk to your attorney very seriously in a timely and respectable manner. We’ve seen what happens to clients when they are not provided with a professional, communicative relationship with their attorney as life happens on their schedules and not the attorneys.
How easy is it to change attorneys? Simply call the Offices of DeVriendt & Associates and set an appointment to meet with one of our attorneys. We will then do the following: contact your previous lawyer and have your file delivered to us.
DeVriendt & Associates will speak directly with your former attorney so that you don’t have to. We will also contact the Court and the adversary to ensure a smooth transition. Please contact us if you have any questions about your right to change attorneys and the process to do so.