Enforcement/Modification Visitation

Enforcement/Modification Visitation

It is very important for a parent to keep up with child support payments. Although it may be frustrating paying support to your ex-spouse, it is important to remember that the support is actually for the well-being of your child. Child Support in Illinois requires a determination of a “residential parent” and then the child support payment is calculated based on the “non-residential” parent’s net income. The Court can also take into account the best interests of the child and order the payor to pay a less or greater amount of his/her net income after taking into account:

  • The financial resources and needs of the child;
  • The financial resources and needs of the custodial parent;
  • The standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage not been dissolved.
  • The physical and emotional condition of the child, and his educational needs,
  • The financial resources and needs of the non-custodial parent.

Establishing Child Support

It is important to get a good idea of what child support payments are going to look like for the future. We can assist the receiving party and the paying party in planning for future payments. Although child support in Illinois is determined by statute and a formula, there are a lot of factors that can adjust the amount of child support owed. It is important to have an attorney review the applicable factors to determine their effects on child support.

Child Support Enforcement

There are many ways to ensure that a party pays the required child support: an income assignment or wage assignment, drivers and professional license19533102_m suspensions and interceptions of state and federal tax refunds. As experienced child support attorneys, we are aggressive in filing motions for contempt when individuals violate child support orders. After the Court finds a party guilty of contempt, that parent may be sentenced to imprisonment. When representing clients in contempt motions, we vigorously strive to attain orders for the violating party to pay our client’s legal fees in addition to overdue support and interest. In the event that you are the parent who is not current on child support, we can work with you to develop a plan to get current and avoid the possible penalties, including jail time.

It is important to act fast when considering filing a motion to modify child support. There are only very limited circumstances in which the Court will grant a modification of a previous order.